Dungeon Battle

Here some battle information you must know

Double-Click on card to use card

Attack Card

This Card for attack an enemy

that is Percentage from your Attack Power Point to deal damage to enemy

That is Mana Cost for using Card

Defense Card

This Card for gain shield point to your hero

That is Percentage from your Defense point to gain Shield Point

That is Mana Cost for using Card

Hero HUD

  1. Shield Point

  2. Attack Power Point

  3. Defense Point

  4. Health Point Bar

  5. Mana Point Bar

Click “End Turn” button to end your turn and shuffle new card

Back and Surrender button

  • “Back” button are button that move you to Main Menu (your dungeon jorney will be save and you can continue your dungeon later).

  • “Surrender” button are button that make you quit dungeon and you will loose your dungeon journey.

Last updated